Accepting Returns & Exchanges
Refund Policy

To return a received item (within a maximum of 2 days from the received date in its original condition without use). Customers have to pay 30 dirhams for first delivery and 30 dirhams to collect the item and 5% Card cahrges if payment is made with card and pay back the balance

Exchange Policy

To exchange a received item (within a maximum of 2 days in its original condition without use). Customers have to pay 30 dirhams for replacing the item and 30 dirhams for delivery charges.

Order Policy

Coffec has right to cancel any order for any reason. (Reason can be out of the stock, remote area, wrong contact number, wrong address, address out of UAE, etc..)
We don't keep any order for more than one week. After one week, Coffec manually cancel the order.